Dr. Sharman - Founder 1986
Dr. Bauer - Joined in 2009
Meridith Hallowell, NP - Joined 2023
Sandra Clauson, NP -Joined 2023

Telephone Checkups
Scheduling Appointments
Medication Refills
Insurance and Payments
Patient Privacy

Visiting Instructions
We have a strict no smoking policy in the building. Exposure to tobacco smoke is hazardous to your health and the health of others. Also, many people are allergic to perfume and we ask that you do not wear any when you come to the office.

The nurses and medical assistants on staff have been trained to answer many patient questions. If they are unable to answer your questions or concerns, they will address the issue with the available provider and return your call as soon as possible. Please allow our staff (with the exception of urgent/emergent situations) at least one business day to address your issues.
This office does not usually call back with routine laboratory or X-Ray results. Most follow up will be done in the office by a provider to assure that you receive the highest quality care. You will be contacted for any abnormal results that need further attention.
Our portal is the best way to get information. You can message your provider, request refills, and view your care summaries as well as your lab results!

Appointments may be made up to three months in advance. All office visits are by appointment only. We encourage appointments for procedures which do not require a provider visit such as labs or injections. There may be exceptions made for emergency situations which have been triaged by the office nurse or medical assistant. When scheduling your visit, you will be asked the nature of your problem so that we may provide you with the appropriate amount of time for your visit. We will make every effort to honor your appointment and request that you extend the same courtesy to us. Our office may experience delays with emergencies that do occur. We will try to keep you informed.
We charge a $40.00 fee for every no show and same day cancellation. If you have three of these occurences in one year, we will have to dismiss you from the practice.

We request the courtesy of at least 2 business days to respond to routine medication requests. We request FIVE business days for narcotic refills. We appreciate our pharmacies and hard working pharmacists. Please allow them to help you with contacting us for medication requests. This will help to assure accurate medication administration. To facilitate all requests for medications - please make your request to the pharmacy direct, so they may send a fax for signature.

Insurance and Payments
We bill all insurance carriers for your convenience. At this time, we are only contracted with the following managed medicaid care programs: Amerigroup and United Health Community Plan, Molina and CHPW as well as Provider One. Please contact our billing manager with any coverage needs and/or questions. If we are not billing any insurance plan for you, you will be asked to pay for your visit at the time of service unless a payment plan has been previously established.
Please make sure that we have the most current information for your medical plan to assure a smooth billing process. If you have more than one plan, we will be happy to provide secondary billing. All balances due after insurance has responded will be the responsibility of the patient or patients advocate.
Please note that co-payments and balances greather than 30 days are due on the date of service.
We accept payments in cash, Visa, Master Card, and/or debit card.
We do not bill third pary insurance. If you have a third party insurance, you will be responsible for the office visit up front, and we will provide you with a receipt to take to the third party insurance agent. This includes L&I and Workers Comp, and Motor Vehicle Accident coverage.
We particpate in the "No Surprises Act" and have disclosures and Good Faith Estimates in the lobby of each office. If there is one missing, please ask the receptionist for a copy.

Patient Privacy
Kitsap Medical Group respects your privacy. We understand that your personal health information is very sensitive. The law protects the privacy of the health information we create and obtain in providing care and services to you. Your protected health information includes your symptoms, test results, diagnoses, treatment, health information from other providers, and billing and payment information relating to these services